Thursday, February 20, 2020


Who's going to be the Democratic nominee in the fall?  Beats me.


Katherine said...

All that money, and with or without a box to stand on, he's left without a leg to stand on.

The Little Myrmidon said...

The Boston Glob called it a brawl. The commenters went one better calling it a food-fight, and rightly called out the moderators for allowing the debate to devolve into a screeching free-for-all.

Katherine said...

Many commenters are pointing out that Bloomberg's still got lots of money to spend and one bad "debate" won't stop him.

The Little Myrmidon said...

Bloomberg actually made the only common-sense remark all evening when he called out Bernie Sanders on Socialism, saying this is America and America doesn't want Socialism.

Katherine said...

Yes, he did, and the other candidates and the crowd groaned.

larnold said...

If you don't think "Hillary!" had something to do with the Iowa debacle, you haven't been paying attention. All she needs is a brokered convention. My money's on the Pantsuit.
Antifa and the Bernie Bros are gonna riot.


sybil said...

That would make 2020 the year of *Jaws II*. Wondering whether the comedy involved would be worth having to see another round of those "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!" pictures...

The Little Myrmidon said...


Yup. Robbie Mook, 2016 campaign manager for Hillary Clinton, and Matt Rhodes, Mitt Romney's 2012 campaign manager were engaged by the Iowa Democrat party as "campaign experts" and advisors to the caucus.