Thursday, February 6, 2020



Katherine said...

I don't think it's because of his LDS faith. It's because of his wobbly lack of logical thought, with a side of personal vindictiveness. What I will say, though, is that Harry Reid and Mitt Romney, between them, haven't improved the image of the LDS faith.

The Shadow said...

Doesn't one have to be at least a little wobbly regarding logical thought to remain LDS in the first place?

Katherine said...

Well, Shadow, if one is born into it, and all the close family members and others close to one belong, it's probably hard to look at it objectively. No sign Romney has ever tried, of course, but I do know LDS members who are solid conservative voters, unlike squish Romney.

The Little Myrmidon said...

Katherine (and Shadow), The problem for people born into LDS, is that they rarely actually read the Bible, and are only minimally aware that there's any scripture other then the BoM. YouTube and other places are rife with vids of people that have left LDS and if you listen to them tell their stories, you'd have a better idea of how hard it is to break free from LDS.

Katherine said...

Yes, TLM, and if they do leave, very often their families and LDS friends will shun them.

The Little Myrmidon said...

OK, I literally laughed out loud at this one from the Bee.